Jiahui Fan (樊 家辉)

Jiahui Fan Ph.D student

PCA Lab, School of Computer Science and Engineering
Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NJUST)
Nanjing, China
Also find me at: ORCID, GitHub. Email: fjh at njust.edu.cn
My curriculum vitae: CV@2023.pdf.

Hello, there!

click Obi-wan and say hi~

Hi! I'm Jiahui, a Ph.D student from PCALab, NJUST. I'm advised by Prof. Jian Yang and Prof. Beibei Wang. As a young Padawan in Graphics, I started my journey in realistic rendering since my first year of Ph.D in 2020. My main research interests are in the field of rendering, including neural appearance modeling and inverse rendering, as well as other close topics related to computer vision (such as relighting).

I'm currently looking for post-doc or researching job opportunities starting from this winter!

Apart from my research, I'm also deeply interested in modern dramas, rock music, Formula 1 races, TRPGs, video games and foreign languages (Japanese, Russian, Italian and more in the future!). FEEL FREE TO GET IN TOUCH WITH ME!

What am I doing?

My research interests mainly lie in realistic rendering and deep learning, specifically:

Where have I been?

Honors and Rewards


*: corresponding author(s).

Free Your Hands: Lightweight Relightable Turntable Capture Pipeline

Free Your Hands: Lightweight Relightable Turntable Capture Pipeline

Jiahui Fan, Fujun Luan, Jian Yang*, Miloš Hašan, Beibei Wang*
[paper (+supplementary)] [URL]
RNG: Relightable Neural Gaussians

RNG: Relightable Neural Gaussians

Jiahui Fan, Fujun Luan, Jian Yang*, Miloš Hašan, Beibei Wang*
Proceedings of CVPR 2025
[paper (+supplementary)] [video] [URL] [code]
Neural Biplane Representation for BTF Rendering and Acquisition

Neural Biplane Representation for BTF Rendering and Acquisition

Jiahui Fan, Beibei Wang*, Miloš Hašan, Jian Yang* and Ling-Qi Yan
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2023
[paper] [supplementary] [presentation video] [URL] [code]
Neural Layered BRDFs

Neural Layered BRDFs

Jiahui Fan, Beibei Wang*, Miloš Hašan, Jian Yang* and Ling-Qi Yan
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2022
[paper] [errata] [supplementary] [video] [URL] [code]
Position-free Multiple-bounce Computations for Smith Microfacet BSDFs

Position-free Multiple-bounce Computations for Smith Microfacet BSDFs

Beibei Wang, Wenhua Jin, Jiahui Fan, Jian Yang, Nicolas Holzschuch and Ling-Qi Yan
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2022)
[paper] [supplementary]
Efficient Specular Glints Rendering with Differentiable Regularization

Efficient Specular Glints Rendering with Differentiable Regularization

Jiahui Fan, Beibei Wang*, Wenshi Wu, Miloš Hašan, Jian Yang* and Ling-Qi Yan
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
[paper] [video]